Definition and Management of Superior Sulcus Tumors
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Published: 15 December 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
There has been a big confusion about the definition of Pancoast Tumor and Superior Sulcus Tumors (SST) which originate from the extreme apex of the lung and cause pains and distinct symptoms/ signs at the presentation depending on which critical anatomical structures involved by the tumors. Pancoast Tumor is posteriorly located SST causing Horner’s syndrome or more specifically related involvement of sympathetic satellite ganglia etc. We will describe three types of SST by images and options of treatment related location of the tumor as well as molecular or immunologically targeted treatment as a part of multidisciprinally approach.
Keywords: lung neoplasms; non-small-cell lung carcinoma; Superior Sulcus Tumors, Pancoast’s syndrome, differential diagnosis; diagnostic imaging, multidisciplinary treatment, outcome.

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How to Cite
Ritsuko Komaki, Jeremy Erasmus, Junya Fujimoto, Reza J Mehran, James D. Cox. (2018-12-15). "Definition and Management of Superior Sulcus Tumors." *Volume 1*, 2, 37-55